Posted by on 05th September, 2016.
For a long time, tigers have held an important place in cultural stories and various mythologies because of their strength, solitude, and mystery. Places like India, Japan and China use tigers in their folktales, and the tiger is an important part of the Indian identity. Wildlife tourism figures will reflect how Indian wildlife regularly attract people from all corners of the world. It is not just the variety of the flora and fauna in India – specific animals like the tiger, the elephant and the snake ( all important symbols of Indian culture ) keep the foreigner in awe because of their exotic value. For all these reasons and more, the tiger is the national animal of India, Bangladesh, South Korea and Malaysia.
The tiger is one of the twelve Chinese Zodiac signs, and symbolizes the ‘earth’ in many forms of Chinese martial arts. It is shown to be in rivalry with the dragon, who represents the spirit. Tiger moves in martial arts are well-known, and many martial arts programs now look towards incorporating stances similar to a tiger- to replicate its agility and power. Wildlife tourists are especially interested in seeing how exactly a tiger moves, and goes about its daily activities. It is fun to remember how human beings don’t only observe, but strive to emulate the tiger in its daily exercises.
Also, there are various fictitious accounts of the weretiger – which is the same as a werewolf. A human being with the power ( potential ) to transform into a tiger at a certain lunar position, and the ability to become human once again. These tales glorify the possible menace and dangers associated with the tiger, which has also been a worldwide reason to observe and research Indian tigers.
Although Indians have labored to prove that it is much more than simply a country of tigers and snake-charmers, there is some truth in the fact that tigers are very superior creatures in many ways – their respect for solitude, their physical fitness and their care of the young of their species. It is a fitting national representative of a country with a rich heritage, and continues to be a subject of excitement and interest.